Monday, 14 November 2011

Three Paths - Only 1 Option?

I had a discussion last week with someone who gave me things I need to consider. The one point that stood out for me was that I needed to "stop waiting" for my life to begin. He was referring to my current living arrangements and my marriage.
My life is far from done, but I  keep waiting - always waiting for someone else to make the first move, someone else to change in a way that will result in me being more content within my life.
And now I realize that I need to practise what I preach - no one can be responsible for your happiness except yourself. I can't wait for anyone else- I am the one who has to change.
So I am back to my 3 paths - but 1 and 2 don't really seem like viable options at the moment. Unless I can come up with an other option, #3 will have to be seriously considered. Why can't life be simpler where people can just live happily ever after?

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