Saturday, 30 March 2013

Spring Has Sprung...

This week has been beautiful for me, although the downside is I haven't been able to spend any time out in this gorgeous weather with zack. his wife came home from hospital mid week, and he has been totally occupied with caring for her - as I predicted and as I would expect. If he wasn't, well I don't think I could have much respect for him.

But spring does things to me - the outdoors, the fresh air, the sunshine - well, it stirs things in me. In the spring, my lust holds no bounds.

zack has told you about my own fantasies, my own turn ons. One of those is an attraction to young, handsome men. Ok, so that is not a unique trait, but I have always had a penchant for younger men (zack himself is 10 yrs younger). My friends used to say people had to lock up their teenage sons when I was around  LOL. So, earlier this week, I had a business lunch appointment. I had not met this gentleman before, but the meeting was to discuss a project I might do for him. I had no idea of what I was going to be confronted with.

There he sat - dark hair, aviator sunglasses on. I couldn't get a real sense of him as he was reading a text on his phone - I could tell, however, he had a pretty good physique. As I approached, I spoke his name and he looked up. Then he stood to pull out my chair (a perfect gentleman!). He was very tall (even taller than zack) and I was looking into the most magnificent grey eyes I had ever encountered. This man was gorgeous!! We chatted, we ordered lunch and the sparks flew between us. I mean SPARKS. At one point, he leaned forward and said "I hope I am not out of line here, but I would like to tell you that you are quite beautiful" Oh, God!! Is he smooth LOL. Before I knew it, the meeting was over and I had to go. I actually had no sense of time or space the whole time we were together. I was consumed by this man across the table from me. He said he wanted to see some of the work I have done in the past, but that he felt good about me and that he believed this was going to be a very mutually beneficial relationship. He shook my hand, looked me (intensely) in the eyes and said he would call next week. Yummmmm... I wanted to eat him up right there. I was quite out of breath by the time he left.

zack should never leave me to my own devices.

As Always,

Love Mistress Sarah

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Zack thought he did well in bringing me to orgasm the first time. That was nothing compared to what happened next. We "played" for a while - with him restrained and blindfolded, I probed his mind. I wanted to find out more about the slave inside. he did not disappoint. The conclusion that was drawn was that he has been searching his entire life - he has been looking for has been ME. he has had disastrous relationship after disastrous relationship in that search. I think he was seeking someone to serve that also knew and understood his need for the "rest of it" the need to be ordered/controlled by a woman who was strong, competent and in confident, a woman who understood his need for control, even through humiliation, and  to be stripped of all thought or responsibility. What he found was women he could "rescue" - they needed him to do their bidding, yes, but to also take care of them, without them giving him what he needed to feel whole.

At last, he found me. I think he now fully understands that I am here for the long haul. I will never abandon him,I will never let him out of my life. Not ever.

Last night was very intense - and even a bit weird, when you think about it. As he lay there - blindfolded and ties spread eagle on his back, I went all over his body -  with my hands and with my mouth. It has been a long time since I have had that cock in my mouth. he tasted very very good. I actually would have liked to "finish him off" right there - in my mouth but, damn it, then I wouldn't have his hard cock inside me and I wanted, needed to feel that delicious feeling of being filled up with him. he was very aroused, and I mean VERY aroused. I knew he would have difficulty with orgasm denial this time, so I put on a cock ring. then I straddled him with the intent of sliding that hard cock deep inside me.

That isn't exactly how things went. his cock simply wasn't hard enough. No matter what I did, it did not look like this fuck session was going to happen after all. I taunted him - making fun of his pathetic performance, and complaining that he wasn't aroused by his Mistress. he protested. he loudly protested. he kept saying that he was so aroused he didn't know how he was going to hold back, even with a cock ring. he didn't have a clue why this was happening ti him, especially when he was, and had been all day, so eager and so aroused. After a great deal of effort, I final had that cock inside me - damn!! it felt so good riding him like that. I ordered him to put his knees up - that drives him crazy because it pushed him even deeper. Well, it drives me crazy as well.

That fuck was very hot and very heavy. It was pure animalistic and as soon as he orgasmed (as I figured he would) I also exploded. It was beyond description, but when I felt that heat of his juices flooding inside me I came as well. And I can tell you for certain that this was the first "G-spot" orgasm I had experienced in this position. It was magnificent. It was completely delicious. and I felt sooooo gooooood.

In hindsight, I think the tensions, the disagreements, the pressures of the past couple of weeks were all released in that moment of fusion. And it was fusion. And it was wonderful.

Zack never fails to satisfy. I am a very lucky Mistress.

As Always,
Love, Mistress Sarah

And So It Goes...

It's 4:48 am. Zack is sleeping peacefully beside me. I'm very glad because he truly needs the rest. In a little while I'll get up and make hum breakfast while he showers. I know, it ought to be the other way around but  as much as I love his servitude and his desire to serve, I love to take care of him as well - just like a mother takes care of her child. I feel that for Zack as well.... A mother's kind of love.

I wish I could protect him from the pressures that eat away at  him on a daily basis. I wish I could bundle him into my car and take him far far away from here. I can't, I know that. What I can do is always make sure that no matter what, I will care for him deeply and I will love him with everything inside me. Hopefully that will be enough.

Oh, and he fucking snores .... Great.

As Always,
Love, Mistress Sarah

Monday, 25 March 2013

Mistress's perfect greeting

I've been craving Mistress since early this morning. As the time approached, these cravings intensified. I needed Mistress Sarah.

I love Mistress. I showed up early, which irritated her...and she let me know this. As she admonished me in a stern voice, I felt like I had come home.

She ordered me to get on my knees. I loved her tone of voice so much. I don't think she realizes how connected I feel to Mistress when she speaks to me like that. When she's in her leather, basically venturing into being a Leather Bitch, it does things to me that are impossible to describe.

She teased me by bringing my tongue close to her perfect pussy. Then she gave me permission to do what I needed so badly: pleasing her orally.

Mistress seemed to get more aroused as she talked about me getting her ready in this way for her future black lover. Her arousal intensified. Mistress has given me permission to write this. In fact, she ordered me to write this.

Mistress seemed to have an explosive orgasm. Mistress wants me to observe her on her date with her new black friend on Thursday. The thought of this level of intimacy is such a turn on. Mistress and I have a level of trust that is reaching new heights....and it makes me very very happy.

I love Mistress so so so so so much.

slave zack

Making Plans....

4 hours. That is when he will be here. From the moment he walks through that door he will surrender everything - his thoughts, his will, his burden. he already understands that he is not permitted to talk - and trust me, that will be extremely hard for him. He never shuts his fucking mouth. Tonight, his mouth will only be allowed to open when he is either eating pussy or getting his face fucked. Otherwise he truly better just shut the fuck up. When he walks through that door he ceases to exist.

Things will happen so fast he won't have the opportunity to do anything else. His routine will change - usually, when he comes here, he hangs up his coat, strips off his clothes and comes and kneels beside the bed waiting for instruction. he won't have a chance because I will be ready for him. The instant that door opens, he will be forced to his knees. he will experience me as he never has before.  His instruction and my Dominance will begin immediately. Knowing zack, he will be in subspace instantly. What he experiences tonight will be something he has never experienced. I will own him, be in total control of him in ways he has never been controlled. And when I am done with him he will sleep lovingly in my arms - drained and contented. I dare say I will be quite contented as well.

I shared some information with zack today. Last week I had a lunch date with a black man I recently met online. The lunch was our first meeting. We hit it off and he wants to take me out for dinner on Thursday, and then a show. zack is beside himself - my just telling him this almost caused him to orgasm spontaneously. He wants to help me prepare for the date. zack wants to wait for me here so I can come back after my date and fuck him mercilessly. He actually would love it if I brought my date back here and then gagged zack, restrained him in a chair, put him in the closet where he would be forced to listen to me fuck the black man.  I have to say, I think I would enjoy that very much. I just don't know yet if this is the right black man for that. We'll see.

If it does turn out that I come back to the apt after my date to fuck zack, he knows he is not allowed to cum, but he loves it that way. My orgasms are far more important than his are anyway. And orgasm denial keeps him exactly where I want him.

Tonight is going to be fantastic. zack plans on posting his experience here tomorrow, so stay tuned.

As always,
Love, Mistress Sarah

Mistress's fantasy

Mistress Sarah has been open with me about her desire to fuck a black man in front of me.. I can tell that this turns her on intensely.

I also know that Mistress Sarah loves me and that this fantasy should never be interpreted as a lack of love for me. I get that totally and completely.

I want Mistress Sarah to know that whatever turns her on can be very erotic for me. I will be her total loving slave when this day comes...and I'm sure it will.

I hope Mistress Sarah realizes that I'm her total slut, her total whore, and I will enjoy being her cuckhold for this fantasy.

I will be in total subspace.

She can sneer at me or she can just order me to shut the fuck up. I might even have to sit in another room and listen. I recognize that this is a possibility.

As Mistress's whore, I don't discount the possibility that she might even order me to suck on her lover's cock to get him hard for her.

I'm not expecting that. But if ordered to do so...or if it was what Mistress desired, I will follow all of her instructions.

That's because I'm Mistress's total whore.


As you can see from zack's post below.. we are getting together tonight. as a matter of fact, I am going to have the opportunity of taking total control of this slut for the entire night and I am already making plans. he has no idea what is store for him, but he is going to totally love it although at this point he may not agree. I have forbidden him to think or to speak once he enters the apartment. from that moment, he is MINE. Mine to use, to play with, to treat in whatever manner I wish.

With the situation as it is, I am only taking this one day at a time, but i think I have made it clear to zack that I am always here. He needs to understand that if he is to get through the challenges he has ahead of him, he MUST stay connected to me. I am his only release from the burdens he carries.

he needs this. We both need this.

happy day

I get to see Mistress Sarah tonight.
She will use me like the slut I am.
I'm so so so so so happy.

Slave Zack