Tuesday, 4 December 2012

11 Elements of an M/s Relationship...

I posted this at the beginning of our relationship, and i wanted to repost it again...

First element is honesty
Complete and total honesty between the slave and Mistress. Without such honesty, the relationship can not exist in it's fullness; from honesty all things grow.

Second element is trust
Trust grows from honesty. Only through the knowledge that the Mistress is, and always will be, completely honest can the slave also give complete trust, and only through the knowledge that the slave is completely honest with Her, can the Mistress trust the slave.

Third Element is respect
Respect for each other grows from the knowledge of complete honesty and the giving of complete trust.

Fourth Element is submission
The slave must willfully and completely submit to the Mistress. This he can do because of the trust he has in Her.

Fifth element is possession
The Mistress fully possesses the slave - his thoughts, mind, body and soul. The slave gives himself completely to the Mistress and the Mistress assumes ownership of the slave. Everything that was his is now Hers to do with as She sees fit.

Sixth element is obedience
The slave must always obey the Mistress's every comand. He obeys not only because he is owned and possessed but because he desires to please his Mistress in every way he can.

Seventh element is caring and devotion
The Mistress cares for the slave and will always be devoted to his welfare. The slave must care for the Mistress and be devoted to Her well-being as well. The slave serves, not only out of duty, but also out of his devotion to his Mistress. He must learn Her every desire; Her every whim is to be his life. His destiny is to serve with all of his soul because of this devotion.

Eighth element is protection
The Mistress assumes the responsibility of complete and utter protection of the slave. He is Her property and as such is to be protected at all times from all harmful influences, be it from another person or society at large.

Ninth element is honor
To be a true Mistress, She must have honor in every action She takes, in every thought She thinks. The slave must honor his Mistress and do everything in his power to protect that honor through his own actions, words and thoughts.

Tenth element is friendship
The most lasting relationships are based on friendship while the Mistress Dominates and the slave serves. They must become friends or the relationship is doomed.

Eleventh element is love
If,and only if, all the previous elements have been met can love bloom between the Mistress and the slave. This is the greastest of the elements, the most difficult to attain but at the same time the most fragile and strongest. It binds the Mistress to the slave and the slave to the Mistress with an unbreakable bond - the bond of love. http://blackoasisskjern.tripod.com/blackoasisofskjerntruegor/index.html