Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Every Woman Should have a Slut-Slave - just not Mine!

I wonder if other M/s couples are as compatible as Zack and I are. We totally "fit"- physically, sexually, emotionally and I think intellectually (although Zack is very intelligent, so I'm not sure I keep up all the time). W/we fit even before W/we made this discovery; this development in O/our relationship has simply maximized what we had.
If anyone read My first blog post, they might remember that Zack's preference for "light BDSM" scared Me. I was naïve, I was biased and completely ignorant to what this meant - I was more vanilla than vanilla. It is still a little surreal to be where I am at right now.
Knowing who I am, and having a partner who compliments my every wish, My every need, My every desire is something I could never have anticipated. Hell, I didn't even know it was possible to feel this way.
An M/s (or D/s, whichever you want) relationship is so far from what people (vanilla) think it is. It isn't weird, it isn't perverted, it isn't twisted, it definitely isn't sick. Those are the things it isn't.
When the right people come together in an M/s relationship- it is beautiful. This relationship not only requires honesty, openness and trust, it fosters these things. The relationship simply can not work without it. It is essential that one partner knows the other. They must communicate their deepest fears, needs, desires. Without these, it can not survive.
I have realized the deep irony of this. This is nothing special. These requirements are necessary for ANY relationship to be successful - BDSM, vanilla, work, play. These characteristics are essential for our success in all aspects of life.
But what is unique about BDSM is that if any part of the trust, honesty, openness is missing, the relationship will quickly disintegrate. The effect of any dishonesty or lack of openness or trust would be immediately evident. In any vanilla relationship this can easily be hidden or concealed, allowing the relationship to continue albeit not in as happily or satisfactorily manner.
With Zack I feel completely free. I trust him, I accept him for everything he is - he has no faults, because it all comes together into the completeness that is my soul mate. I never want him to change a single thing. He needs my control, he needs me to free him of the day to day stress he bears making decisions that many rely on, free him of the responsibilities of his life. As much as he wants to please me, to give me what I need, is as much as I want the same for him. He knows that I need to be able to take control as much as he needs to relinquish it.
I am ready - I am ready to take control of Zack - to use him for my pleasure, to wipe his mind free of everything except Me and My needs, to teach him the pleasure of pain, to take him to the wonder of subspace, to free him of his burdens. He needs that as much as I need to do that.
I can honestly say W/we are perfect for each other.
Sent from my BlackBerry

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