Thursday, 8 December 2011


I am basking in the deliciousness that is Zack. From my perspective, we had an absolutely fantastic afternoon. Zack came with the intent to please me and he came through in spades. He gave it his all. If there were ANY doubt (there wasn't, but if there were) about his ability to be my slut, it does not exist now. I was able to push him to his "edge" and a little bit beyond.

I am not sure he fully understands why I give him pain, or why I want that ass of his. The pain can be fully explained via the link I added this morning "The Science Behind BDSM". Read it, the info there is fascinating.
 (I tried to read it to Zack - poor baby was so exhausted that he fell asleep with a cup of coffee in his hand.) There is a possibility for that pain to bring him intense pleasure - and that is my goal, to have him experience the ultimate in pleasure at My hand. As for his ass - well the benefit is 2 fold: Primarily, I simply want his ass - that will give me the sense of ultimate control over him. But My having his ass also comes with the intent of giving him the intense pleasure and explosive orgasms that prostate manipulation can bring a man. His pleasure is also My goal. He wants the pleasure (he is a slut, after all) but he doesn't know what he doesn't know. The unknown is frightening - I'm trying to ease his fears, to explain to him why I want this and how it will be for him: I want to get the pleasure I will experience by giving him the ultimate in pleasure. Crazy, huh??

Like I said, I took him to the edge and just beyond - he handled it very very well. I am so proud of him.

I had the best day of all.. 3 explosive orgasms in less than 4 hours. That has to tell you something about how successful the day was. Trouble is, now I want another - soon. I want more - I want more of his ass, I want more of his submission, I want more of his sheer devotion I want more of those crazy orgasms he gives me.

Zack, I love you so much. You are the smartest, the most sensitive, the most beautiful person I know. I want you as my lover, my cub, my slave, my mother fucking slut - today, tomorrow and always.
I can't wait to read Zack's thoughts about today - I will leave it to him to share his experiences today.

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