Monday, 9 January 2012

Up, Down and All Around...

I'm excited about having a place to spend time with Zack - a place we can call "ours", a place I can have my stuff "to hang my hat" so to speak. But my emotions have been all over the map since I got the call about the apartment on Saturday. What I realized was that I needed Zack - I needed his submission, I needed his presence. Only then would I be able to think clearly and work through this in my mind.

I wasn't sure he would get my messages about getting together today sometime, but I hoped - so I tried. Zack likes it when he knows I have been "stalking" him, so that is what I did today, in hopes of seeing him. I cruised his apartment building, and then went to a local coffee shop to "lay in wait". I wasn't completely sure, but I figured that if he got my message of where I was, he would be there.

And what a good boy he is!!! Although he didn't have a lot of time, he was able to meet me for a bit.
seeing him, having the opportunity to discuss this with him, to have him challenge me about it (is this the right time?) was enough for me to sort it out in my mind. I feel much better now. MUCH better.

And I can't wait to get that gorgeous new bed I bought in there - I can't wait to get Zack tied to it, I can't wait to resume his "training" - here's an interesting bit of news.. the sales person suggested I buy one of their mattress covers.. it's fleece covered, but completely water proof. I said "Oh, so I could pee the bed and the mattress would be protected?" "Yep!" was her reply. Now if you have read any of our blog, and you understand Zack, you will know EXACTLY what I was talking about!!! LOL. Did I buy it?? You're damned right I did!!

When I get the stuff moved in, I'll take pictures and post them here.. you might even see one of Zack's ass with "Sarah's Slut" written across it in lipstick..
Good times ahead!

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