I haven't seen Zack since the last meeting I posted here, but we have spoken a few times on the phone. He continues to struggle with his work situation, but he has some deadlines he feels obligated to meet. It just would not be his nature to "desert" the sinking ship. But he isn't just talking - he has made moves towards a new job, and has told the HR person at work of his plans to leave. The deadline he has to meet is the 3rd week of Sept, so i am sitting back, always supporting him, always loving him and he knows I am here. There is no pressure coming from me.
The one bit of news is that his wife is planning to go to New York for an art festival for that 3rd week in Sept. He is very stressed about that, because he doesn't think she should go. But she is determined, so on top of his current workload, he has to book her trip, and make sure that all of her transportation to and from the airport/hotel is arranged for her own safety. My own thoughts on this is that she is always coming up with these schemes and then never follows through, but he says this time she is serious.
Me? I couldn't be more delighted! A week without her around? That week will be heaven for Zack - it is going to cost him a fortune, but i think it is going to be well worth it. I am hoping she meets some crazy author and decides to live in Greenwich Village - never to be seen again. Oh, if only....
Anyway, I am doing ok. I have sublet the apartment for 4 months. That makes me sad, but it's still ok. We are still together. We may not be lovers right now, but we are definitely still together. So, it is still one day at a time.
Thanks for sticking this out with us. I am determined to have you hearing from Zack again.. as my loving, devoted slave.
Sounds like things are actually moving! :) Fingers still crossed.