So, I guess it is finally over. The story of the part time M/s relationship is done. Thank you, readers - I hope you have enjoyed the escapades of zack and Sarah. Believe me when I say I will never forget the past 4 years, nor do I regret a single second of them - regardless of the many highs and many lows they contained. I only wish zack had the courage to end this face to face - but I also know how extremely hard that would have been for both of us. Perhaps his last final disappearing act really is the kindest way for both of us. I guess we will never know, will we??
And so, as they say in the movies
Tout passe, tout lasse, tout casse (Everything passes, everything wears out, everything breaks)
C'est Fini (It's all over)As always,
Love, Sarah
Hugs! What will you do now?