Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Sharing the New Development...

zack and I have chatted. At first, he was concerned, reluctant and every other "conventional" emotion one would expect in a vanilla relationship. I knew this was how he would react. All he needed was some time and reassurances.
It didn't take him long to let go of the vanilla responses and become excited about what is to come. He has already been asking questions, offering a variety of scenarios. He's in.

So, what is the news? I was contacted the other night by a former potential slave. I had been considering him  9 months ago. We had met a couple of times, he seemed to want this.. and then he was gone. oh well, shit happens. Now he is back - back and eager to be at my service. He is aware of zack, and although, he has never gone that route, he is more than willing to participate in any activity I come up with - with or without zack. And here is the beauty of this. he is a complete opposite to zack, not just in the things he will do but in physical attributes - where zack is tall,  he is short, where zack is dark, he is blonde.Where zack can't take pain, gavin can and will take whatever I dish out - he is eager for it. where zack has not been able to participate in my desire to fuck his ass, gavin wants it, craves it, has already begged for me to fuck him. he wants his limits and boundaries pushed. I am excited - i too will get to expand my boundaries, get to experience new things, new challenges. Yes, indeed, I am very excited.

I want to make it clear here that I accept that these 2 are so different. I do not want them to be the same, I do not need them to be the same. zack will give me things, satisfy needs gavin cannot and gavin will satisfy needs that zack simply cannot. This very lucky Mistress will have the best of both worlds.

gavin and I met at the apartment this afternoon. He actually came prepared to get his ass paddled. he even brought a butt plug to wear during the exercise. This is how eager he is to please. But, I kept him waiting - anticipation is good for the soul. We talked about expectations, rules, concerns and assurances. He is preparing himself to become good at orgasm denial, he has never been denied an orgasm  - he has been ordered to masturbate to the brink of orgasm, to stop, and once the urge has diminished, to do it again - 3 times in a row. he has been doing it - he says his balls ache. LOL. I promised him release before he goes on a business trip on Sunday.

So, it looks like I am going to be a little busy - but never too busy to share all the details here.

I will let zack post his own thoughts about this situation. Dare I say this is going to be an interesting week?

as always,
Love, Mistress Sarah

PS i just got a message from gavin asking permission to lick zack's balls while I am fucking him... shows you what an eager beaver he is!!!

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